Before the 10 websites…
Feeling stuck, confused, unmotivated by your design brief? You have been sat at your computer for hours on end unable to produce the work and the time is ticking?
Here it is – where to find creative design inspiration (well… some) – 10 websites for creative inspiration
In this post, I have collected together 10 links to websites that I hope will inspire you to nailing that deadline. Hey whilst you are reading this why not put the kettle on, sit back and think… don’t panic
– Trust me there is a difference.
Don’t rely on a blank Illustrator document to inspire you
If you have been sat for a long period of time staring at a blank document you need to give your mind an idea injection. And for this, your mind needs creative fuel. I believe it is a rare thing that something comes from nothing. All ideas, products, and designs will have something to trigger that initial spark.
Aimlessly Pushing Pixels – Not very inspiring
You may be stuck because you have put the cart before the horse. There is no harm in discussing a brief with a client or boss to help you gauge and progress a project. Conversations with the right people can be a great motivator and bring a different angle to a project that you wouldn’t have otherwise considered.
If you are designing packaging feel free to have a look at some of my previous work. Or if you are looking at creating an e-learning game you can read more here.
Step away from unproductive mode
There is no harm in coming away from your screen and stretching your legs and getting some blood and oxygen flowing around your body! A study here, shows how walking can stimulate thinking – if someone questions your seemingly random urges to push yourself away from the screen and go for a walk it could be worth mentioning the information in this study.
When going for a walk at lunchtime, I see it as ‘non-working’ working. It’s generally more progressive for me to do this than sit then in a brain haze.

10 websites for creative inspiration
Did you go for a walk? Maybe you cant go for a walk for whatever reason. I have pulled together some posts from an older personal blog post and placed them here.
Did you make yourself that drink? Okay creatives…. here we go.
Design / Creative
Social Media
Websites such as Pinterest and Twitter can be a great source to get the old creative juices flowing – remember not to get carried away… you have a deadline after all!
Youtube can also be a great place to get some ideas also.
Thank you for reading this post on 10 websites for creative inspiration. I hope if you didn’t manage to stretch your legs some of these websites may point you in the right direction.
Here are some alternative and useful links to other pages on this blog :
How to design a Killer Kickstarter page on a budget
Retail and Packaging Design
Creating an E-learning game.
Thank you for reading. If you are still stuck on a project I would be more than happy to help out.
For more information have a look at my portfolio website here.