The easiest way to make a Photoshop brush. This is a short tutorial on how to make a simple Photoshop brush in simple easy-to-follow steps. No fuss, no headaches.
I have used this exact same technique for making brushes over the years as a designer.
It is straightforward to make your custom brushes in Photoshop ( or Adobe Photoshop ) as an overview. All you will need to do in essence is draw your shape or item on a blank document and turn this selection into your new Photoshop brush.
The core steps : Start with creating your brush, defining it, and adding it to your palette! Let us draw a shape on black on a white background and see easiest way to do it.
Now to the steps on the easiest way to make a Photoshop brush.
1 ) New Document
1 ) Open PS and make a new document – 300 x 300 px and 72 DPI for good measure, make sure the background is set to white. ( You also work with other size and resolutions if you prefer )
2 ) Create Your Brush
2 ) Working in black and white (Shortcut ‘D’ for black and white) draw your brush shape (in black) onto your new document. For the sake of this tutorial, I have made mine a solid brush.

3 ) ‘Select’ The Brush
3 ) Either by using the marquee tool or Apple + ‘a’ to select all (CTRL + A for windows). And select the area or part you want to turn into your brush. For me, I wanted to use only the black splat in this example.
If you have selected the brush you want to define, you can go to the next step! Make sure you have selected your brush artwork. With selections, you may see ‘marching ants’ around your selection.
4 ) Define Brush
4 ) Go Edit > scroll down to ‘Define Brush Preset’ and click on or select it.
label your brush, I called this one ‘blob’ and then click ‘OK’

5 ) You have created a brush in Photoshop!
Well done, you should now have designed your very own custom brush and saved it to your library. If you press ‘F5′ to look at your brush palette, you will see the brush you have just made listed at the bottom of your library.
Why not open a new document and test out your newly created Photoshop Brush, I hope you enjoy making more awesome brushes.

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