Speed tips and shortcuts for Photoshop layers!
If like me you need work layers in Photoshop any time saving measure is a bonus. I have a compiled a short list of shortcuts for making the best use of Photoshop’s layers for both the Mac and PC – Enjoy!
(Swap CMD for CTRL on Windows)

Change the layer order,
move it up and down :
- Cmd+[ Move Down
- Cmd+] Move Up
- Cmd+Shift+] = to move it to the bottom of the stack
- Cmd+Shift+[ = Move it to the top of the stack
Direct select a layer
With move tool selected (V) hold Cmd to highlight the layers directly from the art board. This will also highlight groups.
Duplicate a layer
Ideal for copying a layer! Cmd + J to copy a selected layer! Or you can drag the selected onto the ‘New” icon! OR right click and duplicate – A personal fave.
Colour Coordinated
In addition to organizing you layers into folder and groups, why not colour coordinate the layers so you glance at groups? Brown for dirt, green for sea etc. Right click and select a colour.
New Layer Cmd+Shift + N brings up the new layer dialogue.
Cycle Through Blend Modes
Need to see what a multiply, saturation, or overlay will look like on the fly?
Shift + (Minus or plus, top right of the keyboard)
Layer Opacity
With the layer selected you can quickly change its opacity by pressing >
Shift + (Minus or plus, top right of the keyboard)
Shift + 22, 30, 23 (a number from the top row) typing the number in quick succession will change the layers opacity percentage. Hold shift and then press “22” the layer will be 22% “30” = 30 %.
Very handy for digital painting or retouching.
Group Layers
Select your layers and press Cmd + G to group them together. If you are not grouping your numerous layers… you should start. For sanity’s sake.
The original text for this was created and added to blogger in 2016 (Jimm Odell Blog). This has since been tweaked and added to this blog – the professional blog.